– Buerger’s exercise is a system of exercise for arterial insufficiency of lower limb , consisting of legs elevation followed by dependency of legs and horizontal position of legs for rest.
– Also known as : Buerger – Allen exercise
– Buerger’s exercise is active exercise of feet
– These exercise consists of flexion , extension and circumduction of ankles and are done during phase of dependency of the legs.
– It is specific exercise intended to improve circulation to the feet and legs.
– Lower extremities are elevated to 45 – 90° angle and are supported in position until skin becomes dead white.
– The feet and legs are then lowered below the level of rest of the body until redness appears
– Finally , the legs are placed flat on bed for few minutes.
– The length of time for each position varies with patients tolerance and speed with which colour changes occurs
– Usually exercise are prescribed so that legs are elevated for 2-3 mins , down for 5-10 mins and then flat on bed for 10 mins.
• Instructions given to patient for buerger’s exercise
1) Elevate feet on padded chair / board for 1 or 2 to 3 mins.
2) Sit in relaxed position while each foot is flexed and extended followed by pronation and supination for 3 mins
– The feet should become fully pink .
– If the feet are blue in colour or painful , elevate them and relax.
3) Lie quickly for 5 mins , keep legs warm with blanket.
This exercise may be performed for the purpose of collateral blood circulation promotion of patients with peripheral circulatory disturbance.