Acne vulgaris is a Chronic inflammatory disease of sebaceous glands.


• Etiology


√ common between 9- 17 years

√ Males are commanly affected

√ Chances during puberty

√ Poor health and skin hygiene

√ Lack of fitness and exercise

√ Diet containing creams , butter, sugar , alcohol.

√ Sweating

√ Endocranial abnormalities

√ Bacterial infection

√ Heriditary

√ Dark complexion skin


• Clinical features


(1) comedones ( blackheads on surface of skin )

(2) White worm like sebaceous material can be squeezed out of the comedones.

(3) Papules

√ Reddened

√ Itching

√ discomfort

√ tenderness

(4) Pustules

– Yellow raised areas with comedones on the edges .

– It is surrounded by reddish purple areas .

(5) Cysts

– Purple coloured area

– Pain

(6)Scar and keloid formation

(7)commanly seen over face, upper chest and back.


• Management


(A) Topical treatment

– Sulfer based ointment

– Salicylic acid based ointments

– Vitamin A acid gel

– Benzoyl peroxide gel

(B) Systemic treatment


– Antibiotics

– Estrogen therapy

(C) Physiotherapy management


1) UVR

√ Type : high pressure air cooled mercury vapour burner.

√ position : modified sitting position

√ spectrum : 190- 390 nm

√ Distance from skin : 45 cm


– UVR is used for 2 purposes

(a) For improving skin health ;

✓ First degree erythema (E1) dose is given

✓ 2-3 times a week for 4 weeks.

✓ It improves arterial blood circulation , provide nutrition , oxygen and extra amino acids for skin synthesis.


(b) For promoting skin peeling

✓ second and third degree erythema is used ( E2 – E3 dose )

✓ E3 dose is usually given over chest – trunk.

✓ E2 dose is given over upper back , face.

✓ This causes opening of pilosebaceous ducts using discharge of infected material


(c) To improve fitness and health

✓ Take part in outdoor activities

✓ Jogging , aerobic exercise

✓ Take a shower to remove the sweat from body

✓ Wash the affected areas with saline or soap 2-3 times per day

✓ Proper diet and nutrition

✓ psychological support

✓ Motivation and moral support.




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